The Doom Raider Brigade is a small group of space pirates that can be found traversing between the Euclid, Apmaneessu, and the Hicanpaav Galaxies. They are notable for having helped the Blight reach the Apmaneessu Galaxy from Hicanpaav before being betrayed by their supposed allies.
Ever since the group obtained four major members, they have split themselves up into small squadrons, with each major player commanding their own squad. Jangs took α Squad, Brrdgie took β Squad, Tksch-Tksch took Γ Squad, and Lotl took Δ Squad to "bring up the rear"; ultimately as time went on, further future major players would be given command of their own squadrons: Sak took ε Squad, "Crazy" Horv took ζ Squad, Dylane took η Squad, Gugulushu took Θ Squad, Krosse took ι Squad, Kdri took κ Squad, Nonon-188 took λ Squad, Kuronesk took μ Squad, and finally Skride the Yzzn took ν Squad,
Behind the scenes[]
- Their name is a word play on "tomb raiders", with an added bonus of the MTV show "Room Raiders" (because it's stupid).
Member gallery[]
Background history[]
Founding the Doom Brigade (3410s)[]
The Doom Raider Brigade was founded in the 3410s by the Vyepurna Jangs McLode and his Director Gek partner, Lotl. Initially it was a loose affiliation, but over the years the main players slowly fell into place and strengthened the brigade as a whole. First were Brrdgie Zeroth the Lthe and Tksch-Tksch the rampant android; at this point the brigade split themselves off into four squadrons as their numbers were sufficient to expand their influence.
By 3418, three more major members had joined the raiders—Sak Kinomato of an unspecified crustaceanoid species; "Crazy Horv" the Bhojarkk; and finally Jake Dylane, a Terran from the Kyklos Galaxy that had been saved by the Loranche hero Somarinoa at the very end of the Avarice War in the Vicevirtue Cluster—had also joined the team and worked their way to trusted positions of power.
Discovering the Blight (3419)[]
The Doom Raiders first came to encounter the Blight in early 3419 while gathering supplies near a waypoint gate that they had discovered. They were taken by surprise upon activating the gate when a larger force stepped through from the other side. A short skirmish took place before both sides called a cease fire upon realizing they had the same goals in mind. Both Jangs and Lotl would meet with the leader of this other group. This individual was a Korvax calling himself the Dread Pirate Dvorak and he stated that he led a massive force of space pirates known as the Blight. Discovering the Blight's lofty goals to invade every galaxy in the Atlas Supercluster, the Raiders offered to join their ranks and help them through to other galaxies by opening the waypoint gates there, as well. The Raiders began their process of reaching the Apmaneessu Galaxy and preparing to open waypoint gates their for their benefactors—a process that would take them another 3 years. In the meantime, the Raiders served as an extension of The Blight whenever called upon but otherwise continued to serve themselves, as space pirates tend to do.
During this period of time, they also recruited and promoted Gugulushu and Shihiyon Krosse, both of unspecified species.
Reaching Apmaneessu (3420)[]
It would take the Raiders a little over a year to reach the Apmaneessu Galaxy for the first time, slipping in behind extragalactic travelers whenever they encountered them before robbing them and finding a way back to the rest of the team to open up pathways for their own travels to reach further and further out. Jangs was able to push this journey the furthest and made the majority of the initial jumps to other galaxies. He, Lotl, and Brrdgie all would reach Apmaneesu together after opening their final needed portal. However, this was a dangerous world and they spent more time searching for a safer world for the Blight forces to land their force on. During this time, they made allies with Kdri Kseidron the Warloegost; as well as the Dinogedalias‒False Corythis‒Tyropinqis conglomerate, Nonon-188, and his own allies, Klick the Patdaug and Rasp the Alderdaj.
It would take the Raiders a further two years to gain the full trust of these beings. Being knowledgeable on this region of space, they would help guide the Raiders to establishing a new location to call forth the Blight from. During this period of time, the final major players in the Raiders would join the team and reach their positions of power: Kuronesk Threel the Baasmer and Skride the Yzzn.
Vacation to Amachi-Beek (3421 or 3422)[]
Attack on the Polestar (July 3422)[]
Jangs would lead the attack on the Polestar Cruise in late July of 3422 CE. Here he would encounter two members of the Orfen Fleet as well as future member, a wayward Shrumite who had become trapped in a time loop affecting the entire ship, Zebezo. Jangs' attack would be thwarted and he would return to his compatriots empty-handed.