Creativity Wiki

Jakester95 Jakester95 3 July 2023

Name of prehistoric original species

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Jacob Proper95 Jacob Proper95 26 June 2023

List of projects that I’m working now

Justice league rise of the justice lords, a prequel to the fan, favorite Justice league , episode a better world

Beast wars, X, bloody roar I got that idea from dreammix TV, world fighters. The video game never released outside of Japan that featured Optimus Megatron, yugo, ogami in it what is robots turn into animals with me humans that turn into animals

Turok green arrow, the hunters encounter

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 15 September 2020

Added Vehicle Template

Today we officially added in a vehicle template for anybody to use! To the right you can find the information you can currently use. If you would like extra information added at any point, let me know! Enjoy using it! — Somarinoa (talk) 07:27, September 15, 2020 (UTC)

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*mynameischrome* *mynameischrome* 13 January 2015

Similar wikis


I have become aware of this wiki a few days after my wiki was formed, Creation Wiki. I decided to check out some other wikis, and I found this one. It had the same purpose as my wiki, a similar name, and I was not aware of this.

I apologize if it seems like a copy or a rip-off, but it is not. I was not aware of this wiki's existance during the creation of Creation Wiki.

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Bunny1002 Bunny1002 2 January 2015



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Somarinoa Somarinoa 27 August 2014

Updated Game Template (8/26/2014)

I have gone and updated the Game Template, adding a new section called "Series Information". All bits in this section are new, breaking down the game even more should you want it to be that way.

Feel free to use any of these new bits of potential info, which are described in the infobox template you see to your right! — Somarinoa (talk) 07:34, August 27, 2014 (UTC)

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Zendarmanitan Zendarmanitan 22 July 2014

This wiki seems fun

I find this wiki to be interesting. I think that I will join it.

A question: can this wiki be used for philisophical ideas with which I have come up?

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Brian Linder Brian Linder 4 June 2014

Collaborative Writing Project - The Signal

Hi, Creativity Wiki!

We are in need of your storyteliing talents in our newly launched collaborative writing project . Check it out, and see if you might be interested in helping to flesh out the story. 

Saw the work you all have been doing here, and it looks like fun. The idea with this story is to create a collaboratively written alternate version ("What do you think happens?") of an upcoming sci-fi thriller after watching the eerie trailer.

Thanks for checking it out!

--Brian 13:43, June 4, 2014 (UTC)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 15 March 2014

Evil Twin (3/14)

I noticed this morning that I had an email in my inbox offering me a temporary code for having forgotten my wiki password. The thing is, it isn't something I would forget. This means someone, somewhere is apparently attempting to hack into my account. I wanted to inform the community in case I do anything out of the ordinary. At the same time, however, my computer finally kicked the bucket a couple days ago, and this means I will be doing all of my editing either from my phone (which sucks for editing and will likely only entail "updating" my badge progress segments on my user pages) and the work computer (which I can make larger edits but is more risky and will still not allow image uploads of any sort). So if I am somehow making maj…

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 4 March 2014

Template Update: Species (3/14)

I just went and updated the Species template for any one interested. Changes are as follows (everything else has remained the same): — Somarinoa (talk) 07:05, March 4, 2014 (UTC)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 25 July 2013

New Template Available: Tooltip

We have a new template available as of this morning: the tooltip. The tooltip will allow you to add additional information into an article that won't normally show up until you hover over the specific text, which will show up at the bottom of your browser, in that little gray bar with the information you have hidden. This can be used for various purposes, such as hiding but providing spoilers or providing personal opinions or thoughts about something. To see how this appears, To code it in, use the typical 2 pair of brackets ({ and }, only doubled up) and add in "tooltip|text to be actually shown normally|whatever info you want". However, since it appears in the gray bar as a sort of footer, what you can have showing within this tool…

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Fangirl4545 Fangirl4545 10 April 2013

Could this be our new wikia wallpaper?

I just found this while searching the web. What do you think?

or something a little more like this?

all up to you guys.

Fangirl (talk to me a boring blog)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 7 April 2013

The Creativity Wiki Facebook Page

I am currently starting up the Creativity Wiki Facebook page. While I have an idea for a possible and eventual main image for the page (maybe I can draw a brain with a character, an alien, and a few other types of content featured on this site like somehow integrate a story dynamically popping out, et cetera), that would take some time and I am currently working on art commissions. The offered images of brainstorms two friends of mine offered to draw me for an image for the front page of the wiki still have not been worked on, either, so that is also off the table. Is there any suggestions on images we can use for the first profile picture for the FB page here?

Also, since there's no reason to create a separate blog for it, I'm thinking o…

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Fangirl4545 Fangirl4545 6 April 2013

Should we enable chat?

I was wondering cause when we get more users we should really enable chat. What do you guys think?

Fangirl (talk to me a boring blog)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 30 March 2013

Upcoming Course of Action

I seem to have run myself out of bandwidth so I likely will be taking it easy until April (not too many days here until then so not a huge deal, really). However, once April rolls around here's my plan of action to increase traffic. If you have any suggests absolutely feel free to bring them up:

  1. Create a Facebook page. Not sure what to use as a primary image for the page but outside of that should very much be doable. Question, however: how should it be run? Should I make mention every time somebody makes a new edit, like when an Amerigo story gets updated, or should I let us all post up there to advertise our own material? The former way would probably be more typical but I like giving options to people.
  2. Create a Twitter feed. Now, I…
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Fangirl4545 Fangirl4545 27 March 2013

We need more people!

Okay so i know there is already a blog post about this. But we REALLY need more people! Like we need Twitter's, facebook pages, websites, and i wanna know who is going to do this?

Fangirl (Le talk page Le blog)

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LethalPen LethalPen 1 March 2013

Need More Users

This wiki seriously needs more contributors. I'm not sure whether or not the "promote" button has been used, but if it hasn't yet, then it seriously needs to be. I've gone and shared this wiki on a few other websites that I frequent (Facebook, YouTube, Wattpad, etc.), but to no avail. Something needs to be done. Maybe a Facebook page could be created for this wiki? That could possibly bring more users.

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Angie davis Angie davis 21 November 2012

American Bull Dog bot

I drew an American bull dog bot last night...have not come up with a name for it yet so if you have any suggestions on what to call it feel free to let me know...will be posting a pic of it later on in the day. Now it is time to get some sleep since I worked last night and I have to work the next couple of nights I will prob be to busy to draw anything else this week..

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Angie davis Angie davis 20 November 2012


I was able to draw my Megamanta last night. I liked the way it turned out. He has a manta ray head and a robot body. It kinda looks like an alien, but it adds character. I will work on adding it soon and also work on a page for it.

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Angie davis Angie davis 19 November 2012

Mega Man Animal Bots

I am working on making pages for my animal bots. It will def be a slow process so bear with me. Somedays I will only be able to add a sentence at a time. I have made a page for Serpion, but I am not finished with it yet.

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Angie davis Angie davis 15 November 2012

My upcoming art projects

I really have not had time to draw much lately..hopefully things will settle down some and I will get more time to do the things that I enjoy...My next is Manta Ray Man...similar to the one off of Ninga Turtles but it will be my own version of it..some of my art projects will be creating more Mega Man animal characters..I am currently trying to make pages for them.

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 19 October 2012

Movie Template Available

Yep, another template made. This time for any films any of you may have made. It's pretty small in comparison to others, and as usual the info on what it includes and what they describe are listed in the inset/infobox you see to your right. Also as usual, anything you do not include will not be listed (for instance, if you don't have "Creator" in your template on your page, it won't show up in the infobox).

There are still plans templates for affiliations, a second quote style (for personal choice), templates for mature and adult content for the top of a page, and maybe one for written fiction like poems and stories in the future. If you can think of anything else we could use a template for, don't hesitate to ask.

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 18 October 2012

Game Template Available

I decided since I have been making so many templates lately, I might as well make one for games. So far, the only game I believe is on the wiki is my Ultimate Showdown, though I have many personal ideas and perhaps some of you may have some, too. For this, I have created a fairly simple template for an infobox/inset, which you can see to your right. As usual, any section you leave blank will not appear in the infobox.

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 12 October 2012

2nd Character Template Available

I created a new character template as I felt weird using my Tempo template for my own non-Megaman Tempo characters. I certainly have no problem with any of you using it of course, but I wanted other info for my other characters, therefore I made this. As usual, you are perfectly welcome to use it as well. It has much more detail than the Tempo template due to the larger variety that characters may have outside of Megaman Tempo (where the characters are intended to come off an assembly line, so are similar in certain aspects to each other).

As before, any info you don't use you can leave blank and it won't show up in your inset, although the four section barriers (Primary Information, Vital Statistics, Relations, and Abilities & Inventory).

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 30 September 2012

Experimentation with page (I'm not crazy)

I wanted to mention that I have had a pretty big problem with my Ultimate Showdown page since addition (February 16, 2012‎). The problem specifically is that even though I can use the typical category adding thing at the bottom, upon adding the categories and hitting save the categories don't technically appear. That is to say, they don't show up at the bottom of the article, the page doesn't show up in those categories at all, YET the categories are listed in the main article upon attempting edit.

It's a pretty enormous project and I would like to have it operational; at its current level I don't have any real reason to add to it each day since it will easily continue to be lost amongst the hundreds of other pages.

So, I don't know whether …

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 30 August 2012

New planet template available

Here's yet another template if you want to use it, this time for planets.

This one is a huge one, because I wanted to include all the natural measurements for real life planets in case any future frequenter chooses to make their planets very scientifically... realistic, or whatever. As such, I would advise that if you plan on never using some of these (not even I currently plan to fill the entire inset/infobox out), you should simply remove that particular option from the template on your page (for example, if you weren't going to use "Flattening", you would simply select "|Flattening = " and delete it on your page. It will not affect your infobox at all). You also do not need the spaces between sections (example: the empty space between "Po…

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 24 August 2012

New species template available

I came up with another new template for alien species, or really any species you may come up with even those that are not extraterrestrial in origin—however, I am considering making a monster template later for fantasy-themed species, as well.

This template is pretty huge (49 different potential information pieces), simply because of the existence of a full scientific taxonomy you can fill out if so desired. As with the Tempo template for characters, any information you don't have written in won't show up (although the section boxes—AKA the "General Information", "Biological Information" et cetera segments— will continue to show up even if no info in that specific section has been filled out). If you never have a plan on including this info…

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 12 August 2012

New character template available

Thought I would inform you all about a new template I created for my Megaman Tempo series. While intended for that series, if you see use in it you are more than welcome to use it too, so I thought I would post about it. Any info you don't use you can leave blank and it won't show up in your inset, although the four section barriers (General Information, Weapon Information, Game Information & Miscellaneous Information).

Though no Mega Man Tempo page has a fully-completed template so far, you can view different information posted up on alternate character pages, such as Secret Daubentonia who has game info filled out but no age or weapon name listed, compared to Tempo who does not have game info yet yet does have things such as age added.

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 3 August 2012

User Opinion Requested

Since other users are beginning to flock here, I was curious what you all thought: would you prefer that we stick to the talk pages as is currently being used, or would you prefer that I switch to comments, which can be easier to view and post though less complex. User talk pages of course would remain the same and this would instead only affect typical articles.

Also, again since other users are beginning to flock here, I should probably create a "rules" page (as small as it would be due to our great leniency; it'd essentially just be a page saying "don't vandalize and if you could avoid being a jerk, that'd be great", lol...) — Somarinoa 05:38, August 3, 2012 (UTC)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 13 July 2012

Preliminary Fan Character Tally

I just did a preliminary tally of my fan characters, and I have way more fan characters than I had ever realized that I had. Excluding characters created out of toys I used to play with, I counted 479 characters total — keep in mind this is likely not the full number as I have likely forgotten a significant number of fan characters that I may eventually recall or rediscover. Here's what I found so far:

  1. Conker: 1
  2. Dragon Ball: 66
  3. Earth Defense Force: 1
  4. Earthworm Jim: 2
  5. Halo: 2
  6. Legend of Zelda: 1
  7. Mass Effect: 17
  8. Mega Man Classic: 116
  9. Mega Man Comic: 8
  10. Mega Man Legends: 1
  11. Mega Man Remix: 16
  12. Mega Man Tempo: 108
  13. Mega Man X: 20
  14. Mortal Kombat: 15
  15. Pirates of the Burning Sea: 2
  16. Resident Evil: 7 (2 are crossovers with Silent Hill)
  17. Silent Hill: 7 (2 are crossovers with Resident Evi…
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Somarinoa Somarinoa 23 June 2012

The Steno

Recently I went about cleaning out a trunk and I finally found two of the three most important clusters of art I ever drew; specifically, the only two that have been missing since 1992 and 1993, respectively, during my personal Golden Age (the third one is the White Binder, which I never lost track of). Obviously, this has been very exciting for me as my characters mean a lot to me, if you couldn't tell judging by my founding of this wikia. I have since taken photos of each image of mine (there are two or three images at the beginning that were drawn by my then-best friend, Josh Hill) in the smallest of the two, a steno notepad formerly referred to as my Character Database and currently nicknamed The Steno due to the existence of my Vacotor…

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 31 May 2012

Apparently slacking in the dA department

I just realized that I have been slacking off in terms of adding new character images to deviantART. This means I really should add them here. I am sure there are more I am not yet seeing but I haven't yet figured out which ones they are (a lot of them would be from the White Binder). Excluding screenshots of characters of mine in various games I play, here's a gallery of the characters I haven't added yet:

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 19 March 2012

One month down

This wikia is now just over a month old - by 4:30pm my time, it will be 34 days old, to be precise. I was not planning on informing any other sites of my wikia until I had 100 of my own pages up and running. Unfortunately, I have instead discovered that Alien Fanon Wiki has reverted back to being just about the Alien franchise (I assume also the Predator franchise). I expect this will completely kill the wikia again like it did last time, but for "us" here, it means I must pull my content back and expect what remains there to get deleted. I have also informed Alien Species Wiki of this issue and told them that we will have to stop posting fanon articles posted to our wikia there, though I informed them that they are more than welcome to…

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